Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDP) new rules on children’s social media use Under the Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDP) passed by Parliament in August 2023, it will now be mandatory for children under the age of 18 to obtain parental permission to use social media. Under this new law, it will no longer be easy for minors to open an account on social media.
Parents permission is required
According to the new rules, children will have to take permission from their parents before opening an account on social media. Digital tokens will be used to verify this permission, which will be temporary and will be given at the time of virtual token verification.
Creating an account is difficult
Social media has a negative impact on children. At present, there are no special rules for creating an account on social media, so that a child of any age can create an account. However, under the new rules, children under the age of 18 will have to meet several conditions, including parental permission, to create an account.
Concerns of experts
IT experts have raised questions on how parental consent will be taken when a child under-reports his age to create an account. According to the draft, this verification will be necessary when the child reveals his age to be less than 18 years.
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An opportunity to make suggestions
No final decision regarding this has been taken yet. The government has sought the opinion of the general public on the draft, which can be submitted by February 18. Steps will be taken to implement the rules after considering all the suggestions.
Privacy protection
Electronics and Information Technology Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said that digital tokens will be used for verification so that parents do not face much trouble. This token will be temporary, so there will be no problem regarding privacy.
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