A theft (Poonam Dhillon robbery) has been reported from Bollywood actress Poonam Dhillon’s residence in Khar, Mumbai. A person has been arrested for stealing a diamond necklace worth about Rs 1 lakh, Rs 35,000 in cash and some US dollars. This arrest was made on January 6. The accused of theft has been identified as 37-year-old Sameer Ansari.
Theft by seeing the cupboard open (Poonam Dhillon robbery)
Poonam Dhillon lives in Juhu and her son Anmol lives in Khar. Sometimes she also stayed at her house in Khar. Police investigation revealed that the accused Ansari was at the actress’s house between December 28 and January 5 to paint the flat. During this time, he took advantage of the open cupboard to steal the goods. Ansari saw an open cupboard and took advantage of the opportunity to steal the goods (Poonam Dhillon robbery). After this, the accused also partied with some of the stolen money.
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Poonam Dhillon has worked in many big films
Let us tell you that Poonam Dhillon has worked in many big films. Poonam Dhillon, who has worked in more than 80 films, started her career in the year 1977. In the 1980s, she became one of the popular actresses. Poonam Dhillon started her career with the film Trishul (1978). After being active in films for a long time, there came a time when she stopped acting in films. Poonam Dhillon has worked in films as well as TV shows and on stage. Apart from this, she has been a part of the Bigg Boss reality show. These days she is also very active in social service and politics.
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