Recently, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi had accused the Election Commission of rigging the Maharashtra Assembly elections. He claimed that voters were added in more than 50 assembly constituencies so that BJP could be benefited. Voting percentage was suddenly increased at night. He also claimed that in the areas where voters increased, BJP won more seats. Now Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar (Chief Election Commissioner response) has answered every question of Rahul Gandhi. He told that “How the vote percentage is added on the day of voting. How it increases at night? In a poetic style, he said, even a doctor does not have the cure for doubt.
All allegations of EVM tampering are baseless – Chief Election Commissioner (Chief Election Commissioner response)
Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar said (Chief Election Commissioner response) that all allegations of EVM tampering are baseless. EVM is completely safe for counting. We are saying this now because we do not talk about it during elections. The VVPAT installed in the EVM ensures that the person who has been voted for is getting it. This is absolutely correct and anyone can check it. The Supreme Court has also said 42 times that EVM cannot be hacked. When the polling officer seals the EVM, everyone is a party agent. In such a situation, the possibility of any mistake is impossible.” Then Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar explained the method of collecting the voting percentage and said that “On the day of voting, at 11:30 am, 01:30 pm, 03:30 pm and 05:30 pm, the sector magistrate visits all the polling booths. The trends are collected from there. If data is collected from 10.5 lakh booths without any connection, then how can the final voting figures come at 6 pm? If we collect it by connecting it to an electronic device, then you will say that the EVM has been hacked.”
The Chief Election Commissioner told (Chief Election Commissioner response) what happens between 5 and 7 pm
Meanwhile, the Chief Election Commissioner told (Chief Election Commissioner response) what happens between 5 and 7 pm. The presiding officer gives a token to the voters who have reached inside. Everyone is assured that your vote will definitely be recorded. After the voting is over, the machine is sealed. The battery is sealed. Several forms are made, out of which 17C is important. All the forms are written by hand. Then it is given to the agent. Just think, if there are even four agents at 10.5 lakh booths, then 42 lakh Form 17C have to be made. There were one lakh booths in Maharashtra. That means, there also more than 4 lakh 17C forms had to be filled. Only after filling all these, the polling officer leaves from there. Just think how is this possible. Voting is going on till 7 o’clock and the exact data comes immediately. These are impossible things.
On Ramesh Bidhuri’s statement, the Election Commissioner (Chief Election Commissioner response) said, “We have given very strict guidelines”
Meanwhile, in response to a question asked on Ramesh Bidhuri’s statement, Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar said, “If someone speaks obscene things about a woman, then he should be condemned as much as he deserves. Not only us, everyone should do it together. Voters should also do this.” Rajiv Kumar further said, “Such dirty comments should not be made. We have given very strict guidelines.” He further said, “We are currently stopping our district officer from taking criminal action. Let the voters decide this. If we start this, it is not right, but we do not accept it and condemn it.”
Read Also:- Chief Election Commissioner Announced The Date Of Delhi Election 2025
By-election will be held on Ayodhya’s Milkipur assembly seat on February 5
Let us tell you that the Election Commission has announced the date of Delhi Assembly elections. Voting will be held in Delhi in a single phase on February 5 and counting of votes will be done on February 8. Apart from this, the Election Commission has announced a by-election on the Milkipur assembly seat of Ayodhya. Let us tell you that voting will be held in Milkipur on February 5 and the results will be declared on February 8.
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