The tone of Muhammad Yunus (Muhammad Yunus), the chief advisor of the interim government of Bangladesh, is changing regarding India. Yunus has been constantly attacking India, but now his words have changed as India has tightened its grip. According to the information received, Yunus said in an interview that “Bangladesh has no other option but to have good relations with India. This is because both countries are dependent on each other.” However, in the meantime he also said that “some propaganda has definitely created some conflict between the two countries.” Let us tell you that in an interview given to BBC Bangla, Muhammad Yunus did not name the sources of that propaganda. Putting his point forward, he further said that “Bangladesh is trying to clear the misunderstanding to improve its relation with India. Actually, this statement of Yunus has come a month before the BIMSTEC summit to be held in Thailand on 3-4 April. During this time a bilateral meeting can be held between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Advisor of the Interim Government of Bangladesh, Mohammad Yunus.
Muhammad Yunus described India-Bangladesh relations as very good (Muhammad Yunus statement on India)

The important thing to note during the interview is that Mohammad Yunus described India-Bangladesh relations as very good (Muhammad Yunus statement on India). He said that “There has been no bitterness in the relations between the two countries. Our relations will always be good. They are still good and will remain good in the future as well. Meanwhile, he stressed that there is no other option than keeping good relations between Bangladesh and India.” Putting his point forward, he further said that “Our relations are very close. We are very dependent on each other. Both countries are so close from historical, political and economic point of view that we can never remain isolated.” Meanwhile, Mohammad Yunus also said that although there have been some conflicts between the two countries, which have happened largely due to propaganda. Now others should decide who are the ones doing the propaganda. But the result of this propaganda has been that misunderstanding has arisen between the two countries. We are trying to remove all those misunderstandings.
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Ever since the Indian government has started tightening the noose, the tone seems to have changed (Muhammad Yunus statement on India)
In fact, due to the fierce anti-reservation student movement in Bangladesh last year, the then Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina had to leave the country and take refuge in India. Since then, an interim government is formed under the leadership of Mohammad Yunus. After this, not only the houses of the minorities living in Bangladesh but also temples started being deliberately targeted by a handful of fundamentalists. Meanwhile, many incidents of arson and looting are happening every day. The number of deaths is decreasing but Muhammad Yunus’s government is sitting with its ears closed. Meanwhile, ever since the Indian government has started tightening its grip, Muhammad Yunus’s tone seems to have changed (Muhammad Yunus statement on India). Let’s say that his arrogance regarding India has started to weaken.
Latest News Supreme News Network Muhammad Yunus statement on India
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