Aam Aadmi Party MLA from Ludhiana West, Punjab, Gurpreet Bassi Gogi died after being shot in the head under suspicious circumstances. It is being said about his death that he shot himself (AAP leader killed). According to the information received, the death of MLA Gogi has been confirmed by Ludhiana AAP District President Sharanpal Singh Makkar and Police Commissioner Kuldeep Singh Chahal. Commissioner Chahal also reached the hospital as soon as the news of the MLA being shot was received. He said that “The post-mortem report will reveal whether MLA Bassi committed suicide or his death was due to accidental gunshot.”
The incident happened at 12 midnight (AAP leader killed)
Meanwhile, DCP Jaskaran Singh Teja said on the death of the MLA that “According to the family members, he accidentally shot himself. The bullet hit his head. However, the cause of death is not yet known. The real cause of death will be clear only after the postmortem report comes.” The DCP further said that “He was brought to DMC Hospital in a dead state. His body has been kept in the mortuary for postmortem. The incident happened at 12 midnight. Before the incident, he had dinner like every day.” Police Commissioner Kuldeep Chahal and Deputy Commissioner Jitendra Jorwal are present at DMCH. Let us tell you that AAP MLA Gurpreet Bassi Gogi’s family includes his wife, a son and a daughter.
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The police is taking further legal action
On the death of Gurpreet Gogi, Aam Aadmi Party’s Punjab President Aman Arora expressed grief and said that this is a very sad news. He was a very loving and lively person. Today he left us all (AAP leader killed). We have come to offer our condolences to his family. I am deeply saddened to hear this news. The police is taking further legal action.”
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