Light a lamp in this direction in the evening, Goddess Lakshmi’s blessings will remain

Goddess Lakshmi's blessings

There are many things in Hinduism which are considered very beneficial to follow either at sunrise or sunset. According to beliefs, by doing worship regularly, happiness and peace remains in the house. Apart from this, there is also prosperity in the family. In Sanatan Dharma, it is considered very important to light a lamp while worshiping the gods and goddesses. No worship is complete without this. Often you must have heard from your elders that a lamp should be lit at the main door in the evening. Especially lighting a lamp at dusk i.e. some time after sunset brings happiness, prosperity and well-being in a person’s life. There are many benefits of lighting a lamp at the main door in the evening. Let us know what is the importance of lighting a lamp in the evening and in which direction the lamp should be lit.

There is special grace of Goddess Lakshmi

If a lamp is lit regularly at the main door in the evening, then Goddess Lakshmi is soon pleased and she comes to the house. It is believed that lighting a lamp at the main door in the evening shows the way to Goddess Lakshmi to come to your house. The arrival of Goddess Lakshmi strengthens the financial condition of man.

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The ill effects of Rahu are reduced

According to astrology, in the houses where a lamp is lit regularly at the main door in the evening, the ill effects of Rahu present in the horoscope of the members of those houses are reduced. By lighting a lamp daily, negativity is removed from the house and the spread of positivity increases.

Positive energy increases

In the houses where a lamp is lit regularly at the main door in the evening, the negative powers are weakened. This increases positive energy. This positive energy makes the atmosphere of the house pleasant.

Poverty goes away

According to beliefs, poverty does not prevail in the house where a lamp is lit regularly at the main door. Happiness and prosperity prevail there and the family members get relief from diseases and sufferings.

Vastu defects go away

According to Vastu Shastra, lighting a lamp at the doorstep in the evening removes the Vastu defects in the house and the problems of life end.

Light a lamp at these places

Lighting a lamp in the evening near the temple and Tulsi in the house is considered auspicious. You can light this lamp with ghee, mustard or any oil.

Light a lamp in this direction

According to beliefs, after sunset, light a lamp at the main door of the house in such a way that the lamp falls on the right side while leaving the house. The flame of the lamp should be towards the north or east direction. Please note that it is always considered auspicious to keep the lamp on the right side at the main door of the house.

Special Note:- Our aim in this article is not to promote superstition. The information given here is based on beliefs. Whether or not to follow it is your own personal matter.

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