Why YouTube Deleted Many Channels and Videos?

YouTube Deleted Many Channels and Videos

YouTube is one of the most popular social media platforms nowadays. It is a video sharing platform, where one can not only watch videos but also upload and share them. In this, users can express their ideas and creativity. There are millions of channels on this platform and there are many videos. While there are many benefits of YouTube, it can also have a negative impact on mental health. The pornographic content, violent videos, cyberbullying, and personal information contained in it can also exacerbate many problems. Recently, YouTube has deleted millions of videos and also removed many of its channels. Let’s know about this step of YouTube in detail.

YouTube Deleted Many Channels and Videos

Most of the deleted YouTube channels and videos are from Indian creators. YouTube has deleted more than 95 lakh videos and 48 lakh channels have also been removed. According to the company, these videos were uploaded between October and December last year. Interestingly, most of these deleted videos and channels are Indian. That is, most of these videos were made by Indian people.

YouTube has removed a number of channels and videos

According to the data released by YouTube, about 20 lakh videos have been deleted from India, which is much more than other countries. Regarding the reason for deleting them, the company says that they were deleted because their content contained hate speech, rumors, harassment, etc. which is against the company’s policy. That is, it was not right for the content platform and the people.

YouTube has also informed that this action has been taken by the AI Content Moderation System. Which automatically detects the videos which violate the rules. Apart from this, appropriate action has also been taken after analyzing the videos reported by the users.

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YouTube has also removed a number of channels. Around 48 lakh channels have been banned from the platform.

This action has been taken against channels that were promoting spam, fraud or misleading content. When these channels were removed, the videos associated with it were also automatically deleted. In short, YouTube has taken this step to make its platform more secure and beneficial for people.

YouTube’s security policy

YouTube takes appropriate steps to prioritize user safety and transparency on its platform from time to time. They are getting more benefit from AI-based detection tools and user reporting systems. The company aims to provide users with a safe and reliable video platform so that people of all ages can enjoy it without any problem. Of the 95 lakh videos that were deleted, 50 lakh were those that featured children.

These videos included dangerous stunts, harassment, and other harmful activities, which went against YouTube’s security policies. These videos were not only harmful for the children but were also giving a wrong message. That’s why YouTube took this step and many videos and channels were removed. This will also send a message to the creators that they should emphasize on making good and safe videos and avoid doing anything against the guidelines of YouTube.

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