The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has announced the names of candidates for the by-elections to be held for the posts of president and vice-president. The list, released by the party, names election officials for 29 states. The list includes the names of several Union ministers, MPs and former chief ministers.
National Election Commission releases list of candidates
The list was released by BJP’s national election officer Dr K Laxman. The officers were appointed after a meeting chaired by party president J.P. Nadda on December 29, 2024. In this meeting, the names of officers for the elections of state presidents and national council members were decided.
Manohar Lal Khattar takes charge of Bihar
According to the list released by the BJP Union Minister Manohar Lal Khattar has been given the responsibility of election in Bihar. Union Minister Piyush Goyal has been appointed for Uttar Pradesh. In Chhattisgarh, Vinod Tawde has been appointed as the election officer, while Bhupender Yadav has been given the responsibility in Gujarat. In Madhya Pradesh, this responsibility will be handled by Dharmendra Pradhan. The BJP has geared up for the organisational elections and the party leadership has hinted at strengthening its organisational strength by giving responsibilities to experienced leaders in the states. Now all eyes will be on these elections.
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