30-30-30 weight loss method: What are its advantages and disadvantages?

30-30-30 weight loss method

On social media, we get various diet  exercise and physical care tips. Nowadays 30-30-30 diet or weight loss method is becoming very popular, which has been considered effective for reducing weight. This diet involves consuming 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up and then doing 30 minutes of low-intensity exercise. This 30-30-30 rule now has millions of followers on TikTok. A lot of people are posting their experiences, including inspirational changes and weight loss experiences. People are assuming that the reason for their weight loss is the 30-30-30 weight loss method. Let’s find out in detail about the 30-30-30 weight loss method.

How to follow the 30-30-30 weight loss method

According to Healthline, the 30-30-30 weight loss method is better for weight loss than many other methods. This method is easy to follow. It doesn’t require you to change your eating habits, count calories, or do any extreme exercise. Let’s understand what we need to do with help of following 3 simple steps:

  • 30 grams of protein for breakfast
  • Low-intensity, steady-state exercise after breakfast 30 minutes after waking up

How does the 30-30-30 weight loss method help in losing weight?

  • The 30-30-30 scheme has not been the subject of any major scientific study. However, people believe that this has given them miraculous results, but there is no guarantee that you yourself will feel the same.
  • Some aspects of this plan can be helpful in reducing weight. Eating breakfast regularly is important for weight loss. Research also supports the idea that people who eat breakfast are able to maintain their weight for longer periods of time than those who don’t eat breakfast.
  • There is no magic associated with eating 30 grams of protein in breakfast. But, there are also benefits to eating protein first thing in the morning. This can help in weight loss.

The biggest advantage of this weight loss method is to inspire healthy habits. Adhering to this diet on a daily basis helps to maintain these habits. A healthy and high-protein breakfast is the perfect way to start your day. Along with this, daily exercise also helps in reducing weight and staying healthy overall.

The disadvantages of the 30-30-30 weight loss method

Some of the disadvantages associated with the 30-30-30 weight loss method are:

  • This method is not supported by any scientific research. It’s just the internet and social media. More research is needed toward this.
  • The timing of exercise according to this weight loss method makes this method more effective. But, it’s not just the timing, but many other factors also determine the effectiveness of a workout routine.
  • Fat burning exercises have been given importance in the 30-30-30 weight loss method and it is believed that this exercise helps to lose weight like magic.

A person’s diet and fitness level determine how well they can respond to a particular exercise routine so stay fit and health.

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