A young man has been detained from the world famous Shri Ram Janmabhoomi premises in Ayodhya. The accused youth has been identified as Jaikumar, a resident of Vadodara. Actually, Jaikumar had come to Ayodhya late last evening to visit Lord Shri Ram. He had cleverly put on a pair of glasses which had a spy camera installed in it. He was clicking pictures of Ram Janmabhoomi premises through a spy camera (Secret filming in Ayodhya) while fooling the police. But all his cleverness was wasted. On the basis of suspicion, the security forces present on the spot examined the glasses. During the investigation, a camera was found installed in the glasses. Now the police is interrogating Jaikumar. Apart from this, intelligence agents have also started investigating.
Police is investigating the pictures taken from the secret camera (Secret filming in Ayodhya)
Let us tell you that the security of Ramlala is so tight that even a bird cannot fly. In view of the threat of attack by terrorists and anti-social elements, the guards engaged in the security of the temple remain alert 24 hours a day. In such a situation, if someone thinks that he will get away by doing any kind of act in the temple premises, then it is his biggest mistake. Vadodara resident Jaikumar became the victim of this mistake (Secret filming in Ayodhya). Police is now investigating the matter from every angle. Apart from this, other suspicious activities are also being monitored.
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Special attention has been given to the huge crowd of devotees and the security of the temple
Well, a huge crowd of devotees gathers in Shri Ram Temple in Ayodhya. Keeping in mind the huge crowd of devotees and the security of the temple, the police is always in alert mode. All arrangements are also being made to take care of the convenience of the devotees. Apart from this, there is also talk of installing a lift in the Ram temple for the convenience of the devotees. Actually, devotees have to face trouble in climbing to the first floor.
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