The Customs team has arrested a Canadian citizen on charges of smuggling baby crocodile (Crocodile baby smuggling case) at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport. According to the information, Customs has seized the head of a crocodile weighing about 777 grams from his possession. Customs has registered a case against the accused passenger under several sections including violation of the provisions of Wildlife Protection Act and Customs Act and arrested him.
The head of a baby crocodile (Crocodile baby smuggling case) was kept in a cream coloured cloth
On this entire matter, the customs officer said that “The accused Canadian passenger had arrived from Delhi to travel to Canada. He had to go to Canada by catching Air Canada flight (AC-051) from Delhi’s International Terminal 3. During this, the passenger was stopped during the security check. During the investigation, it was found that the head of a baby crocodile (Crocodile baby smuggling case) weighing about 777 grams (which had jaws and throat along with sharp teeth) was kept in a cream coloured cloth. However, the crocodile’s head was immediately sent for diagnostic test.
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The forest department team has started action against the accused Canadian passenger
The departmental officer said that “The head belongs to which species of crocodile. For this, the seized wildlife head will be sent to Wildlife Institute, Dehradun for scientific analysis. Let us tell you that in view of the seriousness of the matter, the head has been handed over to DRO Delhi for laboratory test. Now further investigation is going on in this matter. According to the information received, the preliminary report of DRO, Forest and Wildlife Department, GNCTD confirmed that it was a baby crocodile (Crocodile baby smuggling case). The forest department team has started action against the accused Canadian traveler. The accused is being questioned intensively. He is being asked from where and why he brought the baby crocodile’s head and what he was going to do with it.
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