Chhattisgarh journalist Mukesh Chandrakar was murdered and his body was hidden in a water tank. On Friday, the police recovered his body. Let us tell you that Mukesh was missing since January 1. The family had complained about this matter to Bijapur Police. He was being searched since the complaint. Well, meanwhile, the big thing is that Chhattisgarh BJP has made serious allegations against Congress in this murder case. Chhattisgarh BJP posted on the social media platform X that “The main accused contractor Suresh Chandrakar, the killer of Bijapur journalist Mukesh Chandrakar, is a special man of Congress Party’s state president Deepak Baij. Deepak Baij has also honored Suresh by giving him the post of State Secretary of SC Morcha of Congress Party. Murderous Congress or killers of Congress.. Rahul Gandhi answer?”
Chief Minister said this in Mukesh Chandra Murder case
However, in this case, CM Vishnudev Sai said that “I reiterate that no culprit involved in the brutal murder of young journalist Mukesh Chandrakar in Bijapur will be spared at any cost. The state government has taken all possible steps to catch the culprits. Action is being taken with full force to get them the harshest punishment. This heinous incident is extremely sad and condemnable. I express my deepest condolences to the family of Mukesh Chandrakar and stand with them in this difficult time.”
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Ordered to meet the victim’s family of Mukesh Chandrakar (Mukesh Chandra Murder)
The CM of Chhattisgarh further said that “Journalism is a strong pillar of democracy. Its freedom and security is the top priority of our government. I reiterate that our government is fully committed to ensuring the freedom and safety of journalists in Chhattisgarh. I have instructed the state minister Kedar Kashyap to immediately go to Bijapur and meet the victim’s family of young journalist Mukesh Chandrakar (Mukesh Chandra Murder) and provide them all possible assistance.”
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