Black Moon 2024: A Rare And Amazing Phenomenon Of The Universe

Black Moon 2024

There is always something wonderful and exciting happening in the universe. At the end of this year, a rare celestial event will be seen in the sky, which is known as Black Moon. Although it has not received official recognition in astronomy, this phenomenon is quite famous among those who are interested in stars and planets. Usually, the moon is seen bright and milky, but during the black moon, it appears to be black.

When and where will the Black Moon be visible?

According to US Naval Observatory, this unique phenomenon of Black Moon will occur on 30 December 2024 at 5:27 pm ET (2227 GMT). In the US, the event will be observed on December 30, while in Europe, Africa and Asia it will be seen on December 31. In India, the black moon will be visible at around 3:57 am on December 31.

Why and how does a Black Moon occur?

A black moon is when the sun and the moon are aligned in the same direction. In this condition, the illuminated part of the moon is not towards the earth, due to which the moon becomes invisible to the naked eye and the sky looks completely black. The average lunar cycle is 29.5 days. For this reason, sometimes the new moon falls twice in a month, and this second new moon is called the black moon. This phenomenon is considered to be as rare as the Blue Moon. According to the Hindu calendar, if there are four new moon in a calendar month, then the third new moon is called black moon. This event occurs once every 29 months, while depending on the season, it occurs every 33 months.

Does the black moon really look black?

In fact, the black moon does not appear black. On the night of the new moon, the moon becomes completely invisible, but its effect is clearly visible on the night sky. During this time, the darkness in the sky is darker, which allows stars, planets and distant galaxies to be seen better. During the black moon, planets like Jupiter and Venus can be easily seen with the help of a telescope or a telescope. The next black moon will appear on August 23, 2025, and then again on August 31, 2027.

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How’s the view at night?

People in the northern hemisphere will be able to clearly see the constellations Orion, Taurus and Leo on this night. In the southern hemisphere, the Southern Cross (Crux) and Carina constellations will feature prominently.

The Importance of the Black Moon

The Black Moon is not just a celestial event, but it reflects man’s curiosity and fascination towards nature and the universe. This event is a golden opportunity for those interested in astronomy, when they can see and understand the night sky better. So at the end of this year, get ready to enjoy this amazing phenomenon of the sky and keep your telescope ready!

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