Naxals (Bijapur Naxal Attack) have carried out a major incident in Bijapur area of Chhattisgarh. According to the information received, on Monday, Naxalites blew up the armored vehicle of the soldiers on Kutru road. It has been learned that 9 soldiers were martyred in this blast. On Sunday, the soldiers carried out a big operation in Abujhmad area. After searching the area, the force was returning to its camp. A Bolero pickup vehicle was sent to bring back the soldiers. The Naxalites targeted this vehicle. The blast incident has created a situation of chaos in the area.
Maoists blew up the security force vehicle with a bomb by doing IED blast (Bijapur Naxal Attack)
According to the information received from the police, a joint team of soldiers from Dantewada, Narayanpur and Bijapur was returning after conducting the operation. During this, at around 2:15 pm, unknown Maoists blew up a security force vehicle with an IED blast (Bijapur Naxal Attack) near Ambeli village of Kutru police station area of Bijapur district. The sudden blast created panic in the area. Eight DRG jawans were martyred in this attack and a driver died. Let us tell you that 5 jawans are reported to be injured in the incident. They have been admitted to the hospital for treatment. Along with this, the bodies of the jawans have been taken for post-mortem.
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Chief Minister expressed condolences on Bijapur blast (Bijapur Naxal Attack)
Regarding this incident (Bijapur Naxal Attack), Chhattisgarh Assembly Speaker Raman Singh said that “Whenever big operations are carried out against Naxalites, they do such cowardly acts. The Chhattisgarh government will further intensify the steps it is taking against Naxalism. The government is not going to be afraid or bow down, strict action will continue against them.” On the IED blast incident, Chhattisgarh Deputy Chief Minister Arun Saw said that “A cowardly attack by Naxalites has been reported from Bijapur. I express my condolences to the soldiers. This is a cowardly act.” Expressing condolences on this incident, the Deputy CM said that “The soldiers are working to eliminate the Naxalites. They have done this due to frustration and despair. This sacrifice of the soldiers will not go in vain.”
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