6 Signs Of Protein Deficiency In Human Body

Protein is one of the main building blocks of the body. It plays an important role in the structure and function of muscles, skin, enzymes, and hormones. Not consuming enough protein to meet the needs of the body is called protein deficiency. Some people get too little protein from their diet. Due to protein deficiency, many diseases and even serious problems like kwashiorkor can occur. To avoid problems caused by protein deficiency, it is important to be aware of the symptoms caused by it.

Let us know what could be the signs of protein deficiency. Signs of protein deficiency: Get complete information. According to Healthline, it is found everywhere in the body, including muscles, skin, hair, bones, blood, etc. If you feel that there is a protein deficiency in your body, it is important to talk to a doctor.

Signs of protein deficiency in the body are as follows:

1. Swelling

One of the common signs of protein deficiency in the body is swelling, which is called edema. This swelling occurs especially in the stomach, legs, feet, and hands. However, there may be other reasons for swelling, so talk to a doctor if swelling occurs.

2. Mood change

Our brain uses chemicals called neurotransmitters to transmit information between cells. Many neurotransmitters are made from amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. Therefore, a lack of protein in the diet means that the body is not able to produce enough neurotransmitters. In such a situation, there may be a change in mood due to protein deficiency.

3. Hair, nails, and skin problems

Signs of protein deficiency are related to our hair, nails, and skin. Our hair, nails, and skin are made of proteins like elastin, collagen, and keratin. When the body can’t make them, hair can become brittle or thin and skin dry and flaky.

4. Exhaustion

Research shows that protein deficiency affects the muscles, which are responsible for posture and movement. Over time, protein deficiency can lead to loss of muscle mass, which leads to reduced strength. Not only this, it can cause anemia, which can cause fatigue.

5. Hunger

This is very important in the signs of protein deficiency. Protein is like fuel. If you feel hungry frequently, you may need more protein. Studies have shown that eating protein-rich foods helps you feel full throughout the day.

6. Slow growth of children

You must have understood about the signs of protein deficiency. Due to lack of protein in the body, there may be problems in the development of children. It has been found that children who do not get enough protein regularly may be four times more likely to have stunted growth than other children.

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