Relations between India and Saudi Arabia have strengthened significantly over the years. The two countries are now moving towards a new era where economic, cultural, and strategic partnerships are expanding. Former Indian diplomat Zikrur Rahman recently shared his views about the India-Saudi relationship. “The relationship between the two countries is stronger than ever.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visits to Saudi Arabia in 2016 and 2019 have given a new direction to these relations.” Rahman pointed out that “India-Saudi relations in the 80s and 90s were not as strong as they are today. But a lot has changed in the past few decades. Both countries are now working with each other with more seriousness and sincerity.” India and Saudi Arabia have signed many important agreements. These include the Comprehensive Partnership Agreement and the Strategic Partnership Agreement. These agreements cover almost every sector, whether it is important or less important. The two countries have also formed a joint council. The Council meets regularly and monitors the progress in every field. They also see what steps have been taken and what needs to be done next.
Growing closer through culture Rahman also emphasized the role of culture

“Culture plays a big role in bringing the two countries closer. The Indian Week in Riyadh 2024 season is a good example of this. Indian culture, music, and food are being celebrated here.” When countries come closer through culture, it also has an impact on investment and the economy. Then gradually political relations also become strong. All these things are interconnected, but it has its foundation in culture.”Development is also happening at the cultural level.
In this way, we can see that the development of strong bilateral ties between India and Saudi Arabia is happening. This is happening not just at the political or economic level but also at the cultural level. We hope to strengthen these ties in the times to come.
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